The Behind The Blogger Tag

Hey guys! 
I know I've been pretty absent lately, but with the end of October and the start of NaNoWriMo approaching quickly, I want to try to get into a good posting routine.


  1. Thank the person who nominated you - Syberyah @ aTAGirl
  2. Answer the questions
  3. Ping back to the creator - Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
  4. Nominate 5+ bloggers to do the tag


1. Why did you start blogging, and why have you kept blogging?
I started blogging because I thought it'd be fun, and both my parents and best friend had blogs. I don't really know why I've kept it up, to be honest. I guess it just feels nice to write something and be able to share it with the outside world. ^-^

2. What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
Book reviews. I haven't done any yet, but I hope to start doing them soon.

3. What are your top three favorite blog posts?
I don't have many yet, but I'd say A Look at September And October's GoalsThe Stars, and Hullo!.

4. What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?
Reading, sketching, listening to music or an audiobook, writing, and talking with my friends online.

5. What are three of your favorite things?
Writing, reading, and... reading! πŸ˜†

6. What are your proudest blogging moments?
I only have one at the moment, but when I got 20 views on Hullo!, hehe.

7. What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
Writing, reading, sketching, procrastinating, and watching Studio C on YouTube.

8. Describe your personality in three words?
Observant. Faithful. Nurturing. (In my opinion, I don't like describing my personality because it makes me sound too self-centered, but I'll do it for the sake of this blog tag.)

9. What are your top three pet peeves?
1.) When people use abbreviations like u/ur. 2.) The πŸ™‚ emoji. It's so creepy and I think :) is less scary. It just feels really fake. 3.) I only have two pet peeves, lol.

10. What’s something your followers don’t know about you?
Um, a lot of things actually. I think one thing I'd like to share is my dream to be an author. I'm planning a post right now about why I want to do this, and what started this passion. ^^


Until next time, Farren ♡

P.S. Yes, I know, I've been doing a lot of blog/book tags lately, but I have many ideas for easy posts right now. 

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