Goals for May 2021


Another month is gone and a new one in its place. The school year is coming to a close and man, I cannot wait for summer break. 

Camp NaNo ended yesterday and I'd say it went a lot better than November's NaNoWriMo. I gave myself a few goals for the month but completed little to nothing of them. I did complete Camp with 16K out of my goal of 20K, which is a lot more than I expected to get. 

My May goals are nothing much, as I will have to focus most of my time on homework. I'm hoping to devote a little more time to finishing the books I am currently reading, but I doubt much will be done. My writing goals consist of a total word count goal of 20K and finishing the plotting and worldbuilding of my WIP, ATOR. 

Have a lovely week!

Until next time, Farren ♡

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