Happy 2021 (plus a blog tag!)

*runs in* *skids a bit too much and crashes into the wall* *runs back to where I’m supposed to be* heyoooo guys~! Sorry that this post is so late! Happy 2021! Wow. 2020 is over and done with.

“Well, that was very anticlimactic.”
-Literally every movie like ever


2020 was definitely a hard one for all of us — some more than others. Anxiety and depression fell like a thick curtain over us all. Isolation is a less than ideal place to be. We’ve all learned that in one way or another this year.

2020 started out as an amazing year for me. I turned 14 mid-January. I started hanging out twice as much with my best friend. I joined the student leadership committee at my youth group. I had a surreal time at camp with my friends. Life was finally turning up for me. I was getting the hang of my classes. I was making new friends. It couldn’t have gotten better than that.
March seventeenth. My friend texts me, “Hey! Have you heard about the new executive order?” And, of course, sheltered me is like, “What do you mean, executive order?” “Everybody has to shelter-in-place.”
None of us had ever heard those words before. ‘Shelter-in-place’. It was foreign; alien. We expected to be out of it by Easter. We were Americans, of course. We were better then this virus. Little did we know that, almost a year later, this would still be happening. 

Right when my life started going a bit downhill, I met a group of wonderfully amazing Christian teens online. Since then, they’ve helped me through so much, from depression to writing ruts. I love them so much, and they’ve shaped my life for the better. ^-^
June, I started my first ‘official’ novel. Many obstacles crossed my path while writing this story, but it was all definitely worth it. At the moment, I don’t expect to ever be able to salvage that story, but that’s beside the point.
September, I finally got my act together and decided to take some initiative in planning my NaNoWriMo story. I knew I couldn’t go in blind like I did with my first novel. I finished NaNo with 12K (7K on the actual story, though). This story is temporarily being sat aside, and I hope to pick it up again some time this month.

All in all, 2020 was a rollercoaster. There were many bumps in the road, but it’s made me wiser. It’s given me strength. And it’s shown me that I am not alone, no matter how many times my mind tries to convince me otherwise. 


Anyway. The wonderful, amazing Lavender Bleu has another blog tag for us. ^-^
And without further ado, I present to youuu-


  • Link back to the creator of the tag (Lavender Bleu @ Always Write The Good Write)
  • Link back to the blogger who tagged you (Lavender Bleu @ Always Write The Good Write)
  • Answer the questions
  • Tag 1-5 more people
  • Keep at least 5 questions from the person who tagged you and make at least 5 of your own (Basically you can replace up to fifteen of my questions with your own.)


1. What was the best thing that happened in the past year?
Hm, that’s a tricky one. I guess I’d have to say, meeting so many wonderful people on the NaNoWriMo forums site. ^-^

2. What was the biggest challenge that you faced in the past year?
COVID, but like everybody would probably say that. πŸ˜† Quarantine definitely took a toll on my mental health.

3. What was the most memorable book you read in the past year?
Go ahead and hate me, but The Hunger Games.

4. Did you succeed in completing your new year's resolution in the past year?
Let’s just say, I didn’t have one. 
Or any. πŸ˜‚

5. What was something new you tried in the past year?
NaNoWriMo! And it was an amazing experience and I’ll totally will be doing it again in the years to come. ^-^

6. Do you any any last parting words for the past year?
And a bah humbug to you, too, 2020!! πŸ˜‚

7. What does your To Be Read list look like for the new year?
It’s not super large at the moment, but my goal is to read 100 books.

8. What is your motto for the new year?
Yes. It’s from google. πŸ˜†
“I am whole. I am learning. I am letting go. I am free. I am talented & courageous. I am protecting my joy. I am brave. I am healing. I am loving myself unapologetically.”

9. Do you have any big plans for the new year?
Not exactly, but I do want to try to tackle a milwordy (1,000,000 words in a year). I will probably (definitely) fail, but I think it’d be fun!

10. What would you try if you knew you wouldn't fail?
A milwordy, probably. πŸ˜†

11. What in the new year are you anticipating the most?
Hopefully, winning NaNoWriMo.

12. How would you like to spend your free time in the new year?
Writing. Arting. Reading. Doing ze other things which bring me joy. 😜

13. Where would you like to go on vacation in the new year?
A national park near me which I will not divulge the name of because internet safety. 

14. What time-wasting activity could you part with?
A lot of things, really. Knitting, for one. And YouTube. Always YouTube.

15. What is your new year's resolution?
Let’s see… *flips through a few pages of resolutions* Do I have to pick one, or?
My top one is definitely ‘keep up with (school) assignments’, though.

16. What would you be most happy about completing?
‘Read 100 books’?? I don’t really know, tbh.

17. What book would you like to read by the end of the year?
Dragon’s Bane. πŸ˜† I can never find time for it, so it’ll be a miracle if I ever finish.

18. What can you never seem to find the time to do that you’d like to find time for this year?
Drawing. I only seem to do it if there’s nothing better to do.

19. How can you add 15 minutes of joy to each day?
Writing a poem. Reading between classes. Writing a blog post.

20. What was the best way you used your time this past year?
Writing, I suppose. It’s one of the only things that truly helped me cope.

I can never find anybody that’s up for a blog tag, so I’ll just tag them and tell them after the fact. ;D

R.M. Archer @ Scribes And Archers
SJ @ When Ice Sings And Stars Fall
Allie @ Rainy Days And Stardust Veins
Winter Flower @ Waiting For Spring
And Mattie May @ The Blossoming Writer

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