The Sweet Tooth Book Tag

I got tagged twice for the same blog tag, so this'll be a joint post. 

1. Thank and link back to the person who tagged you - thanks Syberyah and Adria!
2. Link back to the creator of the tag - Jenna
3. Tag at least five other bloggers, but if you can only muster one, it's alright.
4. Add your own question to the end with your favorite treat. Let your nominees know that they should pick seven questions out of all of them to do, but they must include yours. That way the tag won't get too long with people adding their questions. 

  1. Lollipops - a book you loved as a kid
    Definitely The Boxcar Children. (Boxcar Children book 1)
  2. Oreos - a book or series you couldn't get enough of
    I’ve gotta say The Hunger Games. Okay, so I haven't finished it yet, but it's all I can think about most days.
  3. Three musketeers - your favorite trilogy
    The Hunger Games. I'm going to keep saying this. It's too good.
  4. Gummy bears - a retelling you really liked
    The Land of Stories. 
  5. M&Ms - a really long series you liked
    The Boxcar Children. 
  6. Sour skittles - a book set in summer that you enjoyed
    Jellybean, I think it was called. 
  7. Airheads - a stupid book that you still quite enjoyed
    Probably a board book that sis makes me read often. 
  8. Cry babies - a book that made you cry your eyes out
    The Hunger Games (book 1).
Until next time, Farren ♡

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